Category Archives: Networking

Inclusive Leadership Facilitation Practice Group: Enroll Today

You are warmly invited to join our March to April online practice group.

We are gathering new and experienced facilitators of Inclusive Leadership from around the world into an empowering mutual mentoring alliance of co-learners and co-facilitators of Inclusive Leadership skills.

Who For: Our Inclusive Leadership Facilitation Practice Group is for Inclusive Leaders who are involved in or want to be involved in:

  • sharing, mentoring or teaching Inclusive Leadership in school and community settings or
  • facilitating social justice or environmental justice education

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Upcoming Inclusive Leadership Events in 2020: In Person and Online

Inclusive Leadership is for everyone who is concerned about oppression and marginalization; everyone who values diversity and inclusion; everyone who has experienced or wants to experience Inclusive Leadership in action.  You are warmly invited to join us in what is now twenty celebratory years of peer-to-peer in-person and on-line education in social and environmental justice skills. The world needs Inclusive Leaders who are globally aware and locally skillful at forging inclusive solutions in our diverse communities.

Here is a list of what is happening in the winter and spring of 2020! Continue reading

Inviting You On Our Online Inclusive Leadership Quest

Here is an invitation to consider for yourself and share with champions of diversity and inclusion you know.

Did you know that those of us who are deeply concerned about social isolation, discrimination, habitat loss, and climate change are part of a world-wide movement? Did you know our movement is probably 3 billion people strong and growing?

“The real game changers are people and communities…If we are going to solve this civilization crisis, we need to hold hands and collaborate.”  (Paul Hawken, Project Drawdown)

This is where our invitation to Discover Your Inclusive Leadership Potential comes in. Continue reading

You are invited to join the ILC Strengthening Bridges project

Are you concerned about oppression and marginalization? Do you value diversity and inclusion? Have you experienced any part of the past twenty celebratory years of in-person and on-line Inclusive Leadership education?

We are gathering new and experienced Inclusive Leaders into diverse networks and webs of empowering mutual mentoring alliances from around the world.

We are coming together online and in person to learn, mentor, practice, support and encourage each other to cultivate our skills and understandings for facilitating social and environmental justice education.

We are sharing our skills for embracing the diversity in all living beings as gifts that enrich our earth community and human family. Facilitating Inclusive Leadership education transforms ourselves, our communities, and the world.

Feeling curious? Intrigued? Inspired?

Email and read on to find out how you can participate in the ILC’s Strengthening Bridges Project. There are so many fulfilling ways to become involved. Continue reading

You are invited to these Inclusive Leadership Events: In Person and Online

Inclusive Leadership is for everyone who is concerned about oppression and marginalization; everyone who values diversity and inclusion; everyone who has experienced or wants to experience Inclusive Leadership in action.  You are warmly invited to join us in what is now twenty celebratory years of peer-to-peer in-person and on-line Inclusive Leadership education!

Upcoming In Person Inclusive Leadership Events:

Upcoming Online Inclusive Leadership Events:

Human Rights and Education Volunteers

by Linda Hill and Kathryn Phillips

The Inclusive Leadership Co-operative is so pleased to be building bridges of collaboration with Human Rights and Education Volunteers at the University of Victoria, BC, Canada.

As part of our collaboration, students are invited to participate in our ongoing Discover Your Inclusive Leadership Potential Online Course and Inclusive Leaders who live in and near Victoria, BC, Canada are invited to participate in 5 Days of Human Rights Action at UVic November 4 to 8, 2019. Five Days of Human Rights Action encourages everyone on campus and the wider community to take concrete steps toward ending discrimination, harassment, and sexualized violence. Continue reading

Inclusive Leadership in Nigeria

Submitted by Victor Ivoke

(Nigeria is home to over 250 ethnic groups, with over 500 languages, and great diversity of geography, customs, religion, and life circumstances. Students, parents, politicians, farmers, business owners, artists, youth workers, teachers and other emerging and experienced leaders throughout Nigeria are engaged in the triple challenges of building bridges to equality, building peace and addressing climate change. The Inclusive Leadership Co-operative is contributing to Inclusive Leadership development in Nigeria through Inclusive Leadership Online Education.)

My name is Victor Ivoke. I am a Nigerian and I live and work in Abuja. I have just rounded off my Masters Degree in Society and Development Studies. I work for a faith based organization that is pan- African and I hope to sharpen my leadership abilities for global impact.

Through this online quest to “Discover Your Inclusive Leadership Potential” I am being exposed to life time lessons that will help me renew my mind, influence others and transform my community starting with my immediate circle of influence. Continue reading

Building Bridges to Literacy and Peace

Submitted by Victor Okechukwu Chimezie

I am Victor Okechukwu Chimezie  a 22 year old Nigerian, a passionate and pragmatic Peacebuilder. I’m so delighted to be here in the Discover Your Inclusive Leadership Potential online course. I’m so grateful for the  scholarship as this course will help me be more relaxed in diversity in my quest to make the world safer and better for us youth.

Part 1 of the Inclusive Leadership course introduces the Earth Charter as our global compass.

For my Earth Charter Action Plan I’ll be focusing on Peace which is Democracy, Non- Violence and Peace.

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Our Brand New E-Book of INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIP DISCOVERIES is brimming with stories and images of hopeful, healing, focused, and wise ways Inclusive Leaders are bringing diverse people together to care for people and our planet in our own diverse communities.

You are warmly invited to order your own copy today.

All proceeds go to supporting Inclusive Leaders from around the world to participate in Inclusive Leadership Online Education.

30 Inclusive Leaders from 10 countries on 5 continents have contributed our discoveries to 11 lovingly polished gems of chapters – each reflecting multifaceted ways Inclusive Leaders around the world are transforming ourselves and our communities by embracing diversity and inclusion.

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Submitted by Katie Sayers

(Katie is an experienced Inclusive Leader, a member of the ILC, a yoga instructor, and brand new Mom!)

As we each lead by example in our own lives, I invite us to continue to act with intention as we consider whom we can accompany along a path of service, in building inclusive and vibrant communities.

As Inclusive Leaders, we are the advocates of this world embracing vision.  It is up to us to take action and to share what we know so deeply in our hearts to be such valuable skills, and knowledge.  With an awareness of our own network of family, friends, colleagues, co-workers, and neighbors, we each consider whom we can extend an invitation to participate in building skills for connecting with differences as strengths. Continue reading