
IMG_4755Inclusive Leadership has been cultivated within the traditional territories of Cowichan Tribes, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada since 2002. We honour late Theresa Thorne for her foundation advisory work in 2002.  We appreciate the on-going support of Cowichan Tribes and Hiiye’yu Lelum (House of Friendship) Society by partnering with us to develop Inclusive Leadership events and by encouraging and funding so many youth, family members and mentors to participate in Inclusive Leadership Adventures and many Inclusive Leadership follow-up projects.

IMG_5024Inclusive Leadership is deeply rooted in Diversity Education, Intercultural Communication,  Compassionate Communication, Compassionate Listening, the Community Living Movement, Independent Living Movement and the international Earth Charter. Founding member, Dr Linda Hill, describes these roots on her website. 

Cowichan Intercultural Society hosted the development of Inclusive Leadership from 2002 to 2012. We honour Hazura Sangha for his foundational work advising the development of Inclusive Leadership since 2002. CIS continues to develop Inclusive Leadership projects in partnership with the ILC and other organizations such as Canadian Mental Health Association – Cowichan Valley Branch and  School District 79,  and the Organizing Against Racism and Hate Network on Vancouver Island.

In 2013 after many meetings and hours of planning and pouring over documents, we became incorporated as the Inclusive Leadership Co-operative.

August 2014 ILG (124)Here we are at our Annual General Meeting held in August, 2014. We are a non-profit, community service association. Our mission is to bring people from diverse backgrounds together to nurture and mentor Inclusive Leadership development in ourselves, our communities and our world.  In alphabetical order our founding members are: Kix Citton, Mathew Davydiuk, Glaucia Desrochers, Marlee Dunlop, Joy Emmanuel, Raj Gill, Linda Hill, Linda McDaniels, Somae Osler, Melissa Parker, Art Phipps, and John Scull. The current directors of the Inclusive Leadership Co-operative are Cathy Gilbert, Donna Sassaman, Linda Hill, Nola Landucci,  Susan Norris and Tara Jordan. Lindsay Beal is our co-ordinator. We have a hard working Inclusive Leadership Education Committee; As  of 2019 the members of this committee are Lindsay Beal, Terri Beaton, Harriet Greenwood, Linda Hill, Tara Jordan and Janice Milnerwood.

6 handsInclusive Leadership is shared leadership. Thousands of children, youth and adults have participated in Inclusive Leadership since 2002. Hundreds of volunteers of all cultures, ages, professions, and leadership backgrounds return again and again for further skill-building and to co-facilitate Inclusive Leadership events. By sharing leadership together, each Inclusive Leader develops his or her own Inclusive Leadership skills and facilitates and mentors Inclusive Leadership development in others. Participants and co-facilitators return home with more awareness, skills, confidence, hope, and practical action plans for bringing Inclusive Leadership to life in our neighbourhoods, schools, work-places, and the wider community. Inclusive Leaders share news of what we are doing on-line and in person when we return to Inclusive Leadership Experiential Education events. Together we are building an international community of Inclusive Leaders who are transforming communities by embracing diversity in all living beings as gifts that enrich communities.