Monthly Archives: October 2020

Developing Communication Skills

A six week course for anyone in the Inclusive Leadership community committed to developing communication skills for building mutually supportive relationships at work and at home.

Participants will practice:
Setting an intention
Becoming aware of how my thinking impacts my words and actions
Building the practice of Self-empathy
Develop an authentic connection
Reflecting back or asking for reflection
Understanding what is important to each party
Practicing listening to diverse perspectives
Developing space between stimulus and response
Setting clear boundaries
Distinguishing true feelings from interpretations/thoughts
Giving and receiving feedback
Building a practice of gratitude and appreciation

Starts: First session – Wednesday, January 20th
Last session – Wednesday February 24
from 9:30am to 11:30am PST.
Facilitators: ILC members, Betty Doherty and Raj Gill.

To register: email Raj Gill at and Betty Doherty at:
raj.gill @
bdoherty1 @ (remove spaces when emailing)
stating what you hope to get out of the course and what you are willing to contribute to the group.  Please plan to attend all 6 sessions and practice the skills in between.  We want this course to meet your needs, so the more you practice and bring real life examples to explore, the more we will all learn.  This course is about sharing together our experiences of communication and learning to connect more effectively.

Inclusive Leadership Co-operative is looking for a huddle.

It’s not an easy time to have a vision of the future because we are in great flux all around the world. Even the world with it’s once predictable rhythms is in great flux . Near the end of 2018, Inclusive Leadership Co-operative had a vision for the following two years, and we have seen its manifestation in beautiful ways. So here we are approaching the end of 2020, in a changing world, with members who care about influencing this change toward Justice with Integrity, Peace and Respect.

We often see, when a team has a sound and practiced plan, they form a huddle just before putting that plan into action. It’s a way of affirming connection, ensuring cohesion and raising energy so the plan unfolds smoothly and enjoyably.

Some of us might be in a position to rise high above our lives within the workings of the Co-op, as an eagle with it’s acute vision, scanning the field below to identify which direction to fly. Some of us would rather bring the tools and resources we know so well, and huddle to affirm one another in the ways each is living, learning and leading inclusively in each one’s community. Either way, you’re invited to come and share what you see in ILC, what you hope to offer, or what you request, and perhaps together we will formulate some next steps for the ILC community.

Saturday, November 14th, 9:30 – 12:00 noon Pacific Standard Time, on Zoom.

What to do to participate:

  • Register right away with this link: ILC Visioning Huddle
  • When you get an email confirmation with the meeting link, add the event to your calendar.
  • Bring paper and a marker or two to jot down notes, or to enhance compassionate listening.
  • Arrive 5 minutes early to “hang up your coat” and smile at others.
  • Let others know if you cannot stay for the whole time.

IL Co-op Members in Action

Announcing the inclusive and allied programs that Inclusive Leadership Co-op Members are offering in their communities.