Inclusive Leadership Puzzles

img_6242Inclusive Leader, Linda McDaniels and inter-generational teams of Ambassadors from Cowichan Intercultural Society are guiding students in School District 79 Elementary Schools to bring their differences together in inclusive and welcoming ways.

Here is what the students learn as they create a giant Inclusive Leadership jigsaw puzzle together.

  • When everyone stands up for inclusion, then everyone belongs.
  • When everyone belongs, then everyone wins.
  • When everyone is a winner then schools and communities shine brightly because everyone becomes a diversity star!

You can become an Inclusive Leader who is an Ambassador for diversity and inclusion. Educators and other professionals, students, volunteers and all leaders are invited to our award-winning Cultivating Inclusive Leadership Education Feb 24 to 26 2017.  Join us for a professional-development day Friday, Feb 24 or experience all 3 days Feb 24 to 26.  Cultivate your Inclusive Leadership Skills, Awareness, and Action Plans for building inclusive, welcoming and sustainable communities based on respect for social diversity and biodiversity.  Click here for more information.
